Quick Start Guide to Hosting with HostBlitz.com
You decided to start a website and are ready to move forward. This is a very easy and painless process. There are seven easy steps to getting started. They are:
1. Place your order at Hostblitz.com
2. Do you have a new or existing domain, if existing change it, if new, register it.
3. Changing your DNS at your Domain Name Regsitration Registrar
4. Enter your Order Information into the hosting order form.
5. Receive your hosting login info via email and upload your site using FTP, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, or many other programs. You can even use the Free Site Builder to propel your website online ASAP.
6. Test your website
7. Cancel your old hosting account if you have one.
1. Place your hosting order at http://hostblitz.com . Make sure you have made your plan selection.. You can view and compare plans by clicking the web hosting link at the top of the page .
2. New Domain or Existing? If you need a domain just follow the instructions during the order process to purchase one. Remember that Domain orders and hosting orders are independent of each other. New domain customers can skip to #4. Existing domain name holders go to #3.
3. Existing Domain Customers. This process is the most detailed one of all. There are so many domain companies, and so many different rules in changing the information that there is only one place to start...at the beginning. To get your existing domain to work with our hosting server requires one simple change. You must set your DNS (Domain Name Servers) to TeamMediaOnline.com's. Here is our information:
Hosting Plans
Please enter the above DNS in the order show above
When you set your Domain Name to our Name Servers it will allow you to use our hosting service. In most cases ONLY the owner of the domain can make this type of change and NOT HostBlitz.com. Remember, you are NOT transferring your domain to our registration service but rather you are updating the Domain Record to reflect your new web host's name servers. See our flash tutorial Section for additional assistance with changing your domain name information at your registrar. DO NOT change your DNS until you have completed steps 4 through 6. This will help you to have a seamless transition from your existing host.
4. Once you completed the hosting order process you will receive your account information within 10 to 20 minutes. At that point you will be ready to start uploading your files via your IP address. Since your domain name will not be ready for at least 24 hours HostBlitz.com provides you with a dedicated IP address so that you can begin to upload you website immediately.
5. To upload your website you have many choices. You can choose FTP, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, or many other products. You can view our knowledgebase on various methods of uploading within this knowledgebase. When you initially log into your account you will see a directory listing similar to the following:
DO NOT DELETE OR RENAME any of these directories. These directories are automatically setup by the system and required in order for your account to function. Deleting or renaming any of them will cause fatal errors that can only be repaired by deleting and resetting your account.
Of these directories, the www directory is the only one you will use. This is the directory where you will upload your web pages and create other subdirectories that will pertain to your web site. Your pages WILL NOT be viewable on a web browser unless they are uploaded to this directory.
When you initially enter your www directory, you will see a directory/file listing similar to the following:
cgi-bin: Where all your cgi-scripts are located (Sometime referred to as Personal cgi-bin)
index.html: The basic under construction page. This is the default page for your site. When you create a new design your first page will need to be named index.html.
Again, DO NOT DELETE OR RENAME any of the directories within this folder. These are directories created by the system and are required in order for your account to function.
As you add options from your Control Panel the system will automatically create other directories within this area. Any files created by these programs are there for a particular purpose and should not be deleted.
6. Once you have uploaded your website you will want to test it to make sure you have reference all of the images and information correctly. Typically the most common problem we see is that images don't appear on the site becasue of incorrect html coding.
7. Once you have uploaded and tested your website you can now cancel your old hosting account if applicable. This whole process can be done within a 24 hour period if followed in order.