Domain Name

One of the prime needs of anyone contemplating an Internet presence is a domain name. You need a domain name to be able to reach out to your site visitors for they need to get your address so they can visit your site.

A domain name is simply the address of your website. An example is or

Since the domain name represents you or your business, you will have to take a lot of factors into consideration when making a choice. First the name should be memorable. would be better than People need to remember your site easily. If you have a business and it is quite known, you can use that name. For example, would attract more visitors than People looking for IBM machines would simply append the .com to the company name and then reach your site. Additionally, your domain name should be short, easy to spell, not confusing and reflect the content of your site.

Figure 3.  A Registrar displays a text box for use by customers to look for domain names

A domain name is easy to obtain. You should visit the website of a domain name registrar and click on the buy domain or any similar link you will see. You will find a list of domain names and their prices. Usually, .com, .info, .net and .org are very cheap. They usually cost $5 to $10. Once you make up your mind on the extension you want, you will input your preferred name into the registrar’s registration text box. From here, the system will verify if that name is available. If it is not available, you will have to try another extension or modify your name.

Once the registration is through, you will proceed to the shopping cart and then make payment. The domain details would then be sent to the email address you provided in the domain purchase process. The details will contain your username, login password and the page from which you will login to manage your domain. For most of the time, registrars also sell web hosting so you will only go to the hoisting console and then start managing your website with content. If you are only buying the domain and then using it for a website hosted elsewhere, you will be given the particulars to use for the site.

Within the same day, you will be able to load your website content to the site and give the address out to people to visit. The web hosting company will give you access to your hosting account from which you will manage your web files and load content.
Your website becomes live now and you can draw as many visitors you want to it.

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