Improve Your SEO. Keyword research is vital to understanding both your site’s SEO and your competitors. This task is made easier by a number of tools, both free and paid. Here are some of the best of both.
Google Keyword Planner
Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Moz Bar
One of the most useful keyword research tools is SEMrush. It gives you important stats you should consider as you build your list of targeted keywords, such as the monthly search volume and the cost-per-click for each keyword.
Why does your competition consistently rank higher than you on Google and Bing? You offer the same products at the same prices, yet you can’t seem to best them on a search engine. Why? In order to know why you need to benchmark the competition and learn how they garner such high rankings from search engines. It means examining their site, going to their social media accounts, and competitive analysis tools. These will give you an insight into what your competition is doing allow you to adapt your strategy to cut in on their traffic.
If there is one thing Google has stressed in the last few years, content needs to be relevant to your webpage and the title of the article or blog post you are composing. Google rewards having relevant content because that is what visitors to a site want; you should keep that in mind. Write engaging and relevant content for your site, and it will bring visitors back again and again, increasing your traffic and boosting your SEO. Visitors develop loyalty towards a brand based on content and soon will convert into paying return customers.
The concept of knowing who your customers are to market to them is much, much older than the internet but remains relevant to this day. You have to know who your customers are to know what keywords would best reach them. You can do this by adding a brief survey at checkout that ask for things like
Favorite Website
Favorite Product or Service You Offer
Be sure not to make your list too long so that you discourage the customer, and they abandon their cart. You could also ask about customer income, but that can be a sensitive subject with some, so if you do, proceed with caution.
Once you have gathered information about who your customers are and what they want, you can use that to create better keywords and relevant content to strengthen your brand’s relationship with them.
One way you can improve your SEO is entirely offline. If you have correspondence going out through standard mail, you have a great opportunity to have your web address and social media accounts seen. Be sure to include your web address and social media accounts on these items:
Business Cards
Company Vehicles
Company Signs
Trade Show Banners
Flash Drives
And More
Many people who see your web address and social media accounts will visit them out of curiosity alone. More clicks on your website mean improved SEO.
Be sure that when you write a blog post, you include internal and external linking. Search engines look favorably on this practice, and it will boost your SERP rankings. In particular internal links don’t just help boost your SEO; they allow a visitor to stay on your site longer. Numerous studies have shown that the longer a customer stays on a website, the greater the chance of them making a purchase.
SEO will be more important than ever, with many parts of the country and globe unable to purchase goods or services in person. Follow the above tips, and you will see your SEO improve in the coming year.
Have questions about how to improve your SEO? Get a free SEO quote for your next project!
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