Buying or acquiring a pre-designed website offers a quick and easy way to bring content to the web. You do not need to write any piece of code, nor do you have to go about seeking which images to use. You have everything already setup and published to the web.
The hassles of registration and bureaucratic processes associated with the purchase of hosting is also eliminated by using an existing website, and all of these tools contribute to a speedy implementation of content and web publishing.
All the time you would have spent consuming infrastructure needed to get a site going would have already been dealt with if you buy a website. Hosting and domain name services which consume a lot of time would have been catered for by the previous owner. All you have to do now is to take over and then begin managing. You are not going to waste time by starting from the basics.
There are many sites on the web that offer pre-designed and existing websites for sale. These sites have been previously set up and are been offered for sale. Some people design sites, launch them and then sell them off. That’s their business. Buying from them relieves you of laborious administrative processes and time wasting activities associated with hosting, domain name search, design hassles and deployment. Perhaps the most important relief that new owners get from purchasing existing websites is content development. Getting your site filled with information is a time consuming process, as you have to research keywords, write the huge loads of content, format them one by one and get them onto the site.
Buying a website requires that you take due care. You will have to ascertain ownership by finding out whose details are in the DNS records. These records will establish ownership and make sure that you buy from the rightful owners. Usually, the one whose details appears in the DNS records holds the password and the login credentials that you need to manage the domain name and the hosting service.
Buying or acquiring an existing website is your quick way to getting your content onto the net. All the petty details that can get you bogged down for hours and possibly days have already been dealt with. You simply take over the site and then have your content posted onto the web. There is hardly any other faster way to get yourself published on the internet.
Figure 4. Websites for sale