You have designed the most elaborate and fantastic site of all times. You have uploaded the files successfully to your web host. You have placed several ads and have got many visitors to your site. You however wake up one morning to find out that just as your site was experiencing a boost in traffic, it goes down. This scenario is something every website owner would want to avoid. You would like to see you site up and running 24 hours a day, without exception.
So reliability is one essential factor you cannot ignore in your choice of web host. A website that is down frequently will lose its visitors. So will one that has a slow download and frequent outages.
You will therefore need to assure yourself that your web host will provide guaranteed access to the site. It must be part of their service offer and you must see their uptime guarantee in their service. You must see the 99% uptime guarantee in their service agreement so you can refer to the written information if they fail to provide the guarantee.
Figure 6. A web host guarantees uptime in it hosting plan
How do you choose a web host that is reliable? Well, you will see the make effort to guarantee it. You will see something like 99% uptime guaranteed on their service offer page or notice of refund if they are unable to guarantee that. Though, these may not be actually enforceable, it tells you of their commitment to provide reliable service to their customers. If the site has previous clients, you may want to find out from them as well. Additionally, you can test how reliable on website is. You can try to access the site fro different locations, through different browsers, at different times of the day and from different PCs. These activities will at least tell you how committed they are to their declarations.
The website must also offer you back up assurances. In the event of disaster, you must be able to recover all your files. Many sites offer these services for free, and you must particularly look for this feature if you are seeking a web host. It is important that they also have an alternate power source so that the site will not go down due to power failure.
Site redundancy is something every website owner would like to avoid at all costs. You must choose a web host that will guarantee round the clock uptime. You will not want to lose customers to your flourishing website due to server outages and slow downloads.