One other way to quickly launch your website is to use themed websites for sale or for free. Themed websites are sites about a particular industry or subject. An example of a themed website is web hosting. A themed website is different from a turnkey website in many ways. A themed website may not require hosting from you, they do not have the back end engines that come with turnkey sites and are usually less elaborate in content and format than turnkey websites. They are useful for quickly deploying information onto the net. A themed website may be a single page sales letter or a three page product description.
A themed page is available for free or for a fee. Many affiliate sites offer themed websites about their products that anyone can pick up and then use as their own pages. You would only need to change a code or two to personalize it so that any commission accruing to the website can be credited to you. Themed websites lack flexibility but are extremely easy to deploy and manage.
Figure 8. Themed websites for sale. Note the various categories.
It affords you the opportunity to work quickly, intelligently and productively. The absence of any html programming requirement makes it an easy option for non technical people who just need to put information on the internet. HTML can be quite laborious and technically intensive. If you have no software skills, then themed websites will be your option towards a fully functional website in minutes.
Without any experience in web design, you can take the themed website en bloc and put it into your web hosting account. Within minutes, you have a full website viewable over the internet.
Figure 9. A site for sale. Note it has already been loaded with content.
If you needed a rapidly deployed, DIY website, you have a choice now. Get a themed website and get that information on the net in minutes. You no longer have to go through elaborate designs, programming or tweaking. You have the pages set and ready to go.
Themed websites work for people without technical experience. Not everyone is an html programmer so themed website come to the rescue of the technically deficient individual. The only tools you would need to get a fully functional themed website ready for the net is 10 minutes and internet access.
For people who appreciate speed and quick deployment of web information, themed websites comes as the obvious choice.