MySQL tutorial

MySQL Databases 

MySQL Overview
The MySQL option in the Control Panel allows the setup of a MySQL database on your site.  Once the database has been installed, there is documentation available within the MySQL Option for managing the database.  This procedure shows you how to install MySQL and provides a basic overview of the screens you can expect to see within this option.

  1. Exporting an Access Database into MySQL
  2. Backing up your MySQL Database
  3. MySQL Resources

Exporting an Access Database into MySQL
1. First you must successfully install MySQL on your Virtual Server. Be aware that you will need to consult the MySQL users manual for information on using MySQL.

2. Add a user with password privileges if you like to your MySQL database. Instructions on this are contained in the Adding new user privileges section of the MySQL users manual.

3. Download and install the necessary ODBC MySQL driver on your computer. There are currently drivers available for both Window95 and Windows NT. Select the appropriate driver for your computer. Please visit the following URL to download ODBC driver for your computer :

4. Unzip the appropriate driver on your computer, likely in a temp directory or other location of your choosing.

5. Run the setup program for the driver. To do this simply double-click on the setup.exe in the directory you unzipped the driver in.

6. Following the setup of the MySQL driver on your computer you will need to configure it for use. To do this go to your Control Panel (start -> setttings -> control panel) and double click on ODBC icon. You will then need to select whether you want to configure the ODBC driver for use by a single user or for use by every user on the computer. The first tab, "User DSN" is for only a specific user and can only be used on your specific computer. The second tab, "System DSN" is used to configure the ODBC driver for all users on your computer. Depending on which you choose to use, you will then click the add button on the right side. By clicking the add button you will be given a choice of drivers you can set up for a data source. You should find MySQL in the list. Select MySQL and click finish.

7. The TcX mysql driver default configuration screen will then appear. You will want to fill out the fields with the appropriate information.

a. Windows DNS Name: type a name for this particular driver that you will be using for MySQL. The name is something of your choosing. (example: everyoneMySQL)

b. Server: This is the name of the Virtual Server you will be publishing your database to. (example:

c. MySQL Database Name: This needs to be the MySQL user you created in step #2 in this list. (example: mysql)

d. Password: Simply the password, if applicable for the MySQL user in the field above.

e. Port (if not 3306): If you are behind a Firewall you will need to open up port 3306 or another port you specify or it will not work correctly.

8. Now you are ready for using Access. Open up Access and create or select the database you want to move to your Virtual Server in the Tables section. Once you have selected the appropriate table, select Save As/Export under File. This will allow you to select the "To an External File or Database" option. Click OK.

9. The Save Table screen will appear. You will want to select the field and then change the "Save as type" to ODBC Databases and click Export.

10. The Export screen appears. The "Export Addresses to:" should simply be the name you want to call this specific database table on the Virtual Server.

11. The "Select Data Source" screen should then appear. Select the "Machine Data Source" tab and then select the Data Source Name you should have set up previously in step 7a.

12. The table should then be moved to the Virtual Server under the user you specified for MySQL. To verify this, use Telnet or SSH to connect to your Virtual Server and find the table.

Backing up a MySQL Database

There are two ways to back up or restore a MySQL database on the servers: via your control panel backup option and via your phpMyAdmin interface.

How to back up a mySQL database using Control Panel Backup Option.

Log into your control panel at http://yourdomain.whatever/cpanel

Click on the backup option. Select the mysql database you want to backup under the list that appears on the man page.

How to back up a mySQL database using using PHPmyadmin Option.

Log into your control panel at http://yourdomain.whatever/cpanel
. Click on the PHPmyadmin icon. Select the database from the drop down menu to the left. The export option will appear on the right. Click it. Select the file name for the backup at the bottom of the page. Click export.


MySQL Resources

DevShed - MySQL
DevShed - Open Source web development tutorials, forums, and tools. Topics covered include PHP, Apache, mySQL, Zope, Roxen, Jserv, Zend, XML, DHTML, Javascript and more.

General Resources

Installing MySQL on Windows

Installing MySQL on Windows and working with it. Forums » PHP/MySQL Troubleshooting

A PHP - MySql Troubleshooting Forum. - forum list

Very active forum with categories for PHP and database questions.

PHP/MySQL Tutorial

In the first installment of this three-lesson tutorial, the Kiwi guide covers everything you need to know to begin developing database hubs.

PHP Tutorials
PHP is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages.

Setting Up a MySQL Based Website
Setting up a database backend is one of the important and sometimes difficult things to do with your web site. Lucky for you, we have this series of tutorials that will guide you through the basics of building a database backend using MySQL. In part one of this series on MySQL and its use as a web backend, we look at basic installation and coding a Perl / MySQL guestbook.

WebmasterBase - PHP and MySQL - With a vast variety of web design tutorials and articles coupled with a vibrant and well informed community, WebmasterBase the natural place to go to grow your online business.

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