Headers are integral parts of websites. There is no website without one.
A header is the top part of every website you see. It is usually graphical in nature. A header could be animated or composed of static image. For the most part, headers serve as website titles. They contain the name or the business slogan of the website. It also announces the website to visitors and appears to be a greeting as well.
Figure 8. A website header comes with navigation and images
A header typically illustrates a website. It graphically helps visitors to get the assurance of where they are. The header could be incorporated in your logo, and can be consistently placed on all your pages to give them identity so that irrespective of where your visitors are on your site they are assured that they are browsing within the same company or site.
You will need a header to make your website complete. You can generate one with a header generator or design a graphic and place it there. For many, a free header is the way out. You can obtain several of them from the web. A free header can contain your website name or just an image to represent your website. For example, if you are building a website about computers, then a header depicting a keyboard or monitor would suffice.
Headers help web designers develop themes for their pages. Its sets the tone for the website and make the visitors associate with it.
Headers are available in many sizes and formats, but essentially they cover the top most part of the website. They can have fixed width or variable length that will adjust according to the browser you are using and the monitor you are viewing from.
To create a header, you will need to consider your website colors and theme. You will choose a background that will reflect the content of your website or its main keywords. You will then create a GIF, Flash or JPEG images for it. The image must be quick to download as visitors would need to see that to assure them that they are on the right site.
If you are not using a standalone tool, you can create headers online. Several sites offer this service. You will only enter the text, chose a background graphic then output the header. You will save the resulting graphic onto your PC and use it for the website.